PAMELA PLOWMAN, B.S.N., opened Owl House Children’s Sanctuary in 2005, upon retiring from a 25-year homebirth midwifery practice. Since then, she has operated Owl House as an alternative early childcare facility focused on research-based whole-child wellbeing. She calls this model a Golden Rule School and intends it to be replicated worldwide, as the answer to the many crises we face today; not just decreasing children’s health and the undermining of the family unit, but also human inequality, environmental destruction and failing economic, education and healthcare systems.
Turning these crises around is all about the brain and protecting and nurturing its development throughout childhood. Her book, Golden Rule Schools: Learning Our Equality from the Very Beginning, is due out in October 2020
Pamela lives in Hailey, Idaho in the caretaker’s cabin on the Owl House property with her dog, Tundra, her cat Jupiter, and a bunch of chickens. She has three grown children and four grandchildren, all of whom she dotes upon.