The core of every world problem comes from not treating each other as equals. Believing that others are not equal is the original source of domination and aggression. Adult presumption of inequality comes from relationships that adults have experienced during their early childhoods.
Brains “wire” themselves differently depending on whether they grow in dangerous or threatening environments or in peaceful and secure environments. Environments that create worry and fear are very limiting and oppressing to the brain’s growth, not to mention also being very emotionally painful.
If the child’s environment contains relationship models of domination and hierarchy (disrespect, yelling, or violence), that child’s brain, being an amazingly adaptive organ, will grow in ways that will specialize itself, chemically and structurally, for hostile or threatening environments, developing greater vigilance, greater suspicion, more self-protective perspectives and behaviors. The unfortunate side effect of this specialization is the disabling of the brain’s social capacity for trusting, peaceful, cooperative living.
Environments of safety, security, and love allow for full, healthy brain growth and development. This is not just true for some children. It is true for every single child. The ability to perceive and honor the equality of others—the essence of security– can be built into the very architecture of the brain in early childhood.
The Golden Rule is emotional and social education in a nutshell. It’s all about modeling and mentoring the practice of kindness and respect for all because we are all equal. This is what properly equips our growing children for life in a free, peaceful, and democratic society.
Learning to practice the Golden Rule is essential to becoming fully human and manifesting one’s full potential. It is literacy of the highest order, the most fundamental of essential basic education.
“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered.
PAMELA PLOWMAN, B.S.N., opened Owl House Children’s Sanctuary in 2005, upon retiring from a 25-year homebirth midwifery practice. Since then, she has operated Owl House as an alternative early childcare facility focused on research-based whole-child wellbeing. She calls this model a Golden Rule School and intends it to be replicated worldwide, as the answer to the many crises we face today; not just decreasing children’s health and the undermining of the family unit, but also human inequality, environmental destruction and failing economic, education and healthcare systems.
Turning these crises around is all about the brain and protecting and nurturing its development throughout childhood. Her book, Golden Rule Schools: Learning Our Equality from the Very Beginning, is due out in October 2020
Pamela lives in Hailey, Idaho in the caretaker’s cabin on the Owl House property with her dog, Tundra, her cat Jupiter, and a bunch of chickens. She has three grown children and four grandchildren, all of whom she dotes upon.